Leah Niehaus, LCSW & Associates Inc.

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Being Together

🌟Weekly Inspiration🌟

"We were together. I forget the rest.”  -Walt Whitman

This quote speaks to me ❤️.

Often in life, we get stuck in the details. Often in parenting, we get caught in dynamics of power and control, conflict, busyness, and conditional love. We get distracted and stubborn. We need to lighten up. We sometimes miss the forest for the trees.

In the end, what we will remember is just being together.

Ask Yourself:

What am I getting hung up on that I need to let go of?

How can I wake up to what is really important about the people in front of me?

Do the little details that cause me upset even matter in the whole scheme of things?

Can I imagine how I might feel at the end of my life about these current parenting struggles?

How can I just be?  How can I enjoy my precious few more?

How can I step back and see the forest?

Be well.🌟