Leah Niehaus, LCSW & Associates

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One Day at a Time

🌟Weekly Inspiration🌟

It’s a good reminder for all of us to take things one day at a time. Often as parents, we agonize about the future (for ourselves and our loved ones). Kids and teens also worry about the things to come—on a small and big scale. In our office, kids worry about their appearance, academics, their friends, being embarrassed, speaking up in class, getting sick, being left out, driving, displeasing parents/teachers/friends, and what the new school year will bring. Some of the bigger worries that we hear about are death and illness, school shootings, local tragedies, politics, climate change, being LGBTQ/questioning, being bullied, parents who have an addiction or mental health problem, divorce, and loss of pets. Life is heavy at times.

Some days the worries stack up for our children and for us âť¤ď¸Ź.

Sometimes there is nothing to do with the stress or overwhelm except tolerate it…and let it pass.

Sometimes a good night’s rest, a comforting meal, a hug, a bath, or a prayer is the best one can do and model for our children. 

Ask Yourself:

Is it hard for me to take things one day at a time?
Is it hard for me to tolerate my own distress? Why?
What was modeled for me growing up?
Is it hard for me to tolerate distress in my child and not try to fix it?
What lessons are learned when we are patient, have faith, and take things one day at a time?
Any shifts that I can make?

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