Leah Niehaus, LCSW & Associates Inc.

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Resume Virtues vs. Eulogy Virtues

🌟Weekly Inspiration🌟

It’s the end of the school year…stress levels can be high with burnout and finals approaching. It is easy for kids and parents to get spun out on worrying about grades. Working hard and doing well is always a good goal. I’ve just been thinking about the over-emphasis on grades in our culture, the scarcity mindset, and the complete madness around college admissions. I get it and have felt it myself! For a moment, I’d like you to breathe and take the long view.


I want to highlight that there is a difference between Resume Virtues and Eulogy Virtures. I guess I would argue that so many kids (and parents) are focused on resume virtues and aren’t even considering whether they are developing eulogy virtues. I’m not talking about service activities because you can list them on your resume and hope it helps you get into college. I’m imagining lived values around compassion, humility, kindness, bravery, faithfulness, being a good friend, trustworthiness, and helpfulness. It’s worth considering for yourself and what you are hoping to help develop for your children ❤️.

Ask Yourself:

Do I get caught up in resume virtures? Why? What is my underlying fear?

Did my parents focus on resume virtures, eulogy virtures, or both? How did that make me feel?

Do I encourage my children to do things for the wrong reason sometimes? (Ex. “the easy A,” “to get into college”)

What do I want people to say about me at my Eulogy?

What would I hope to hear people say about my child at their Eulogy someday?

Can I tolerate them not having perfect resume virtues?

Any small shifts I could make to realign with what does feel more important to me?

How can I help them to realize that whatever happens with their final grades—they have a whole, huge life in front of them?

Be well 🌟.