

🌟Weekly Inspiration🌟

I’ve been reminded lately of the importance of gratitude, not just lip service about feeling thankful, but truly feeling it in one’s bones. 

I went to a fundraiser for a dear friend who has a daughter affected by a rare and debilitating autoimmune disease. I ran into a woman that I hadn’t seen in a couple of years as she’s been fighting a rare form of cancer. I spoke to a friend who is caring for aging parents. I ran into a couple that has a daughter in her late twenties battling breast cancer. I heard about a college kid’s best friend dying in a tragic car accident. I sit with people every day in sessions who are going through health conditions, divorce, adjustment issues, job transitions, recovering from abuse, or struggling through young adulthood. Sometimes I feel weary ❤️.

We all know these stories, we ourselves are faced with these crises at times, and we know that there are no guarantees from one day to the next. It’s human nature to take health/stability/good times for granted. As we raise our children, we do much to make life smooth sailing for them. Adversity can feel crushing to young people when they’ve been fairly fortunate. How can we begin to reflect on gratitude and help our children internalize this concept?

Ask Yourself:

What do I have to be grateful for?
Can I be grateful and also have real struggles at the same time?
What am I ruminating about that truly doesn’t matter?
What worries fall away when I am in a place of gratitude?
What have I modeled for my children about gratitude?
How can I teach them to shift their mindset when they are overwhelmed or having trouble seeing the bigger picture?

Be well ⭐

Leah NiehausComment