Think Big


🌟Weekly Inspiration🌟

I’ve been thinking about how sometimes kids tell me that their parents have no expectations of them. Maybe the parents are trying not to pressure…maybe they are disengaged…or maybe they have a more sensitive/vulnerable child and they aren’t sure what is realistic to expect of them. There could be many reasons why parents don’t voice expectations, but young people always notice it! They often internalize the idea that something is wrong with them—otherwise, why wouldn’t their parents believe in them and expect more ❤️?  

There is a difference between being critical/abusive/demanding in what we expect of our children vs. having standards/expecting hard work/having some basic expectations for them. 

Ask Yourself:

Did my parents have expectations of me growing up? Were they too much/too little/just right for me?
How did I feel about myself as it relates to what my parents expected of me?
What are the unintended consequences if we are too “soft” on our kids and have few expectations?
Can I be more process-oriented vs outcome-oriented when it comes to expectations for my kids? (Example: more focused on effort level in school vs grades).
Do they think that I believe in them?
Can I vocalize how I feel on this topic with my kids? (“Sometimes I don’t know how much to encourage or push, but I want you to know that I believe in you and expect X, Y, and Z from you. Let me know how I can support you.”)


Be well!

Leah NiehausComment