A Year in Review


🌟Weekly Inspiration🌟

The end of the calendar year is a great time for ourselves and our children to look back and assess how the year felt to us: what stands out, what was learned, what mistakes were made, what were pleasant surprises, what might we want to do differently next year, and what are the reasons for hope going into 2023. I encourage you to take the time over the holidays to contemplate these considerations for yourself and invite the conversations with your children. Kids love to be treated as if their thoughts and opinions really matter—and they often rise to the occasion in this type of family discussion ❤️. Enjoy them and listen!

It has been an entire year of me writing to you each week! I thought I’d share a few takeaways from what I’ve learned throughout this process ⭐.

  1. Doing something each and every week is a discipline—and it felt good for me to be consistently disciplined in this way. Being disciplined is not easy.

  2. Being on the lookout for wisdom in my family life or work life each week changed my outlook.

  3. Altruism feels good. I did this parenting inspiration newsletter for free, just because…

  4. Learning to quiet my mind and ask myself “what stands out?” about the past week was hugely valuable.

  5. I became more of a critical thinker.

  6. Sometimes clients or my own family inspired my writing and it felt good to share my piece with them. Everyone enjoys being recognized for generating insight or wisdom.

  7. Cultivating my writing practice was a joy. Honing my voice in this way felt great.

  8. My readership self-selects to people that are thoughtful, sensitive, intelligent, and engaged humans ❤️.

  9. I’m terrible at technology and social media—thank goodness for Diana, my Virtual Assistant, who made these newsletters look lovely each week. Being authentic to myself and writing about my insights feels right for me. I do not need to worry about not keeping up in a way that doesn’t naturally fit for me.

  10. A new challenge brings vitality and purpose to one’s daily life.

Thank you to my readership—173 dedicated individuals get this e-blast weekly ❤️. I have received so many texts and emails and hugs from people who LOVE reading this newsletter. It has meant so much to have you taking a few minutes to read what I’ve shared. I APPRECIATE YOU! I will keep writing if you will keep reading 😊.

I don’t know if one day this will turn into a book…or just grow me as a therapist/mother/writer…but if you have enjoyed this newsletter, PLEASE ENCOURAGE YOUR FRIENDS AND FAMILY TO SIGN UP. 173 people is great, but I’d love for this good and free content to get to more people over time. 

Happy Holidays! Be well ❤️. Hug those precious ones around you that light you up. You will hear from me in 2023!

With Love, 



Leah NiehausLTWLComment