🌟Weekly Inspiration🌟
Hope that you had a restful and fun summer…and best of luck with the fall season and start of school for your kids! During this time of transition, it is an opportunity to reflect and set intentions for how you want to show up as a parent this school year. How you show up matters to your children ❤️ and to all the people who work and serve them ❤️.
I love this blessing by Dr. Holly Oxhandler at Baylor University:
May we breathe deep through the changes into the academic year
allowing ourselves the grace + margin we need to move through them
And extending that grace + margin toward others navigating their own season of transition.
May we recognize the gift of our teachers + school administrators among us who pour so much of their own hearts into our kiddos' lives
May we be reminded to stay curious and commit to being humble, lifelong learners, regardless of whether or not we are in school.
May our children, teachers, and school staff feel safe, loved, appreciated, and supported through these transitions and through the whole academic year.
May this academic year be threaded with deep peace, hope, trust, and growth for each of us.
Ask Yourself:
What worked for our family last year, in terms of supporting our child’s academics and schedule?
What didn’t work as well?
What would I like our family rhythm to be regarding meal times, extracurriculars, rest, chores, tech time, HW time, service, faith, and fun? How can I encourage my family to dialogue on these issues to increase buy-in?
How can I help to set us up for success this school year? How can I decrease overall anxiety for all in the family?
What does " grace + margin" mean to me?