Seasonal Intentions


🌟Weekly Inspiration🌟

This is a busy time of year, especially when you are raising a family. Take a beat and contemplate how you want to show up for yourself and your family this next month. Consider these statements...I found them in a magazine years ago, and I hang them up in my kitchen every year as a visual reminder for myself ❤️.

  1. I honor and create traditions that bring joy and meaning to my life.

  2. I have the power to choose my response in any situation.

  3. I allow myself to rest when I feel tired.

  4. I give myself permission to decline invitations that don’t align with my energy or priorities.

  5. I am empowered to shift patterns or dynamics that no longer serve me.

  6. The light within me is constant, steady, and divine.

  7. I approach each relationship with a renewed perspective and presence.

  8. I nourish my body with food that energizes and supports me.

  9. I tune into my body’s signals and honor what it needs.

  10. I show up fully and generously through my presence.

  11. My love is abundant, limitless, and expressed in ways that don’t require money or material gifts.

  12. I infuse intention and meaning into every interaction I have.

    Ask Yourself:

    What statements particularly resonate for me?
    Any that I would like to add?
    Would a visual reminder of some sort help keep me on track when I feel off course with myself or the pace this year?
    What felt great last holiday season that I’d like to repeat this year?
    What didn’t work well last holiday season that I can let go?

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