If Mama Ain't Happy


🌟Weekly Inspiration🌟

You’ve probably heard the saying, "If Mama ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy.” I’ve been thinking a lot about this lately—as I am reminded daily how challenging it is to be a mother…and because I’ve been receiving so many more phone calls from mothers since the pandemic. Being a father is demanding and undoubtedly challenging, that is a given ❤️.
However, there is something unique to being a mother and the “heart” of the family. It’s not uncommon for mothers to put themselves last, in the pecking order of needs and demands—over time, this can just take a toll…and women are notorious for not recognizing they are overwhelmed or resisting the need to ask for help or support. 

There is truly no greater gift you can give your family, than a happy Mama. When a child has a mother that is rested, attuned, loving, emotionally stable and available, appreciated, and well-supported by her partner—it makes all the difference for the children ⭐.  It cannot be underestimated.

Ask Yourself:

In general, was my mother happy while I was growing up? If so, how did I benefit? If not, what were the impacts of her unhappiness on me?
How could my own mother have been more supported?
Did I witness my mother ask for help? Rest? What was the family's response to her needs?
For mothers, what do you need more of this year to be your best self?
To feel like a “good enough” mother?
What would it be like to give yourself permission to rest? To ask for help from your partner, children, or a friend?
For partners, how might you be able to support the mother of your children? Have you ever asked her? What little shifts might make a big difference?

Be Well!

Leah NiehausLTWLComment