A Look Back: 2024 in Retrospect


🌟Weekly Inspiration🌟

Don’t skip this—even during this busy time of year! At year end, it’s a great time to reflect and set some new intentions for next year. We should always be growing! Even (or especially!) in our parenting journey 😉. Try to find a few quiet moments to contemplate, breathe, and put pen to paper on a few reflective questions.

Ask Yourself:

What were my most interesting parenting moments over the last year?  What stands out about each of my children?
What parenting challenges did I face? How did I grow from these?
What new parenting skills did I develop over the last year?
What have I learned about myself as a parent this year? What helps me to be present, patient, and at my best as a parent?
What am I most proud of?
Is there something from my upbringing or how I was parented that I need to forgive, or accept, or let go of? How might that translate for me in the work with my own children?

BRAVO ⭐️. Thanks for reading this year and investing in yourself.  Your children will thank you someday 😄.


For those who enjoyed the Holiday Workshop for Mothers last year, stay tuned for our upcoming Self-Love Workshop for Mothers on Thursday, Feb 13!

📅 Mark your calendar and keep an eye out for more details soon!

This marks three years of a Lighter Touch with Leah!  WOW. Proud of myself!  Many things could get in the way of this going out every week of the year—and yet I show up on the page for you, myself, my family, the families in our practice, and the larger community. It truly helps to frame my week, prioritizes my thinking to “What stands out?” I love getting the emails and texts from people that are touched by my newsletter—glad that you appreciate the nuggets of parenting wisdom and can put it to good use in your family life.

Thank you to Diana Garcia, my amazing Virtual Assistant, who makes this come together beautifully each week! Thank you to my awesome clinicians—together the 6 of us have held 5,189 therapy appointments this year! So much good care happening in our office ❤️. Thanks to our inspiring clients, who remind us each day with their bravery, persistence, and resilience. We are honored to walk alongside you in your grief, joy, and growth. Thank you to our referral sources, we always appreciate you passing along our names and try to provide the best care possible to clients. Thank you to my family…for being my teachers, my challengers, my support system, and for allowing our family to be the fodder in many LTWL newsletters. I love you beyond measure.

The biggest way for you to support my work, is to encourage others to sign up for the e-blast (and of course, keep sending clients our way)! I am growing the readership, thinking to compile all of the material into a book, and would love your assistance in growing the numbers. If each enthusiastic reader sent this to five friends/or sent me five emails of people to sign up, it would make a big difference! I am directly asking for your help and assistance (which if you know me, you know this does not come naturally 😉). THANK YOU!

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