Adult Growing Pains


🌟Weekly Inspiration🌟

We all know that kids get growing pains, but I think adults get them too ❤️
Ours are emotional. Sometimes, the symptoms might look like exhaustion, irritability, melancholy, anxiety, or feeling stuck. They might occur when relationships end,  jobs change, transitions occur in parenting, we lose a loved one, there is a health concern, we adjust to aging parents, or we hit a milestone birthday. It can be uncomfortable or truly emotionally painful. 

Discomfort is usually a sign of growth.

Ask Yourself:

Have I ever felt the emotional growing pains of adulthood? What brought them on?
How long until the growing pains passed and you felt more settled again?
How do you comfort your children when they have growing pains (physical or emotional)?
Is it possible that you need to give yourself or your kids a little more TLC or grace in this moment?
Can you tolerate discomfort? What helps?
Has discomfort led to growth in the past?

Leah NiehausComment