The Problem with Smart People


🌟Weekly Inspiration🌟

"The problem with smart people is they can come up with a good reason for not doing anything. They are smart enough to find the cracks, to foresee the challenges, and to talk themselves out of the idea. They are experts at justifying their lack of courage or lack of action with an intelligent excuse. 

     But there will always be reasons to not do something, and this is particularly true of anything worth doing. We value those moments in which we overcame challenge, not those in which we avoided it. Ultimately, action is a choice. The choice to emphasize the reasons for doing it despite the reasons you have for avoiding it.”

- From James Clear's newsletter

I loved this quote❀️. Whom does it make you think about? Yourself? Your partner? Your children? Co-workers? Many of my most favorite people and clients fit this quote.  

Ask Yourself:

Does my intelligence get in my way at times?  Help me talk myself out of something that could be good for me?

Do I lack courage sometimes?  Do my children?  Is bravery typical or rare?

Are there good reasons to avoid doing things sometimes for myself and my family members?  Am I honest about them?  Do I do the hard thing anyways? Do my family members?

Do I value perseverance in the face of fear and vulnerability?

If action is a choice, what do I choose for today?

Be Well.

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